Exam and Performance Coaching

Sweaty hands, blackouts or a racing heart in the exam room? Jitters before presentations? No motivation to learn or simply not found the right learning technique yet?

We - the Study Advisory Service - want to encourage you to get in touch with us as early as possible when facing such challenges. In the exam and performance coaching, we teach you techniques and strategies to motivate you to learn and go through the exam period more relaxed.

Please send appointment requests for an individual Exam and Performance Coaching to study@hochschule-rhein-waal.de

In addition to individual coaching, we also provide other related offers such as workshops and trainings (see dates on top right of this page).






Contact: Lena Völkel & Ellen Schönfeld via study@hochschule-rhein-waal.de

Next Dates for "Performance Coaching":

21st of November, 2022, 03:00 until 05:30 pm - English 

22st of November, 2022, 03:00 until 05:30 pm - German