Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi


Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi has a wide interdisciplinary knowledge through his qualifications in different fields (bio/ chemistry and material sciences) and has work experience in different departments (bio/ chemistry, physics and the department of manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering) and on diverse research and industrial projects among Gaiker, Rolls-Royce, TQC and TECAN.

Prof.  Dr. Amir Fahmi started his research career end of the 90s (1998/1999) with his Diplomarbeit under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Werner Jaroß and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Heinz van Pée with the investigation of mutations of Insulin receptor genes in patients with diabetes mellitus version II at the Institute for Klinische Chemie - Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus at the Technical University (TU) Dresden.

He was appointed as a research fellow at the Institute for Biochemistry with Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Heinz van Pée at TU Dresden. Then he was awarded a PhD scholarship (2000-2003) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Stamm (TU Dresden) in the field of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Nanostructured Materials at the Institute for Polymer Research (IPF) Dresden and the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research (MPI) Mainz. Prof. Dr. Fahmi received post-doctoral fellow as a member of nanoscience group in the department of physics at the University of Nottingham (GB) where he supported the EU-project PF 6 „Supramolecular self-assembly of interfacial nanostructures“.

In 2005 Dr. Fahmi established as a senior research fellow (assistant professor) at the University of Nottingham his own research group at the department of manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering within the Nottingham Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (NIMRC). With his multidisciplinary group, he pioneered several concepts and key aspects in the fabrication of nanostructured materials via self-assembly of (bio) -polymeric materials and inorganic nanoparticles. He holds five granted patents and has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, conference proceedings, one book and book chapters. Prof. Dr. Fahmi acquired funds from European and UK national bodies and he has earned also international recognition of Chinese (Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou), American (University of Massachusetts UMASS, USA) and European universities (KTH-Sweden, Lodz-Poland). He has been recently leading a number of collaborative projects, such as an international joint project with Universidad Simón Bolívar Venezuela. Prof. Dr. Fahmi is on the member board of the FP7 COST action (dendrimers in biomedical applications TD0802). He is Co-investigator in Innovation China-UK (development and commercialization of reconfigurable workholding devices). Parallel, he supported mega research projects in the UK Grand Challenge 3D-MINTEGRATION. Furthermore, he was conferred by his peers inviting him to referee journal article (submissions for Wiley VCH, Springer, Elsevier and American Chemical Society (ACS)) and fund bodies (e.g. EPSRC through NIRMC, Royal society).

Prof. Dr.Fahmi has achieved the status of Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in UK after completing the Postgraduate Higher Education Programme with his outstanding portfolio of “Improvement of the Teaching of Nanotechnology for multidisciplinary small groups”. His new method to teach nanotechnologies and demonstrate phenomena at nano-scale has received a very well recognition across the UK universities and the education community in nanoscience and nanotechnology in Europe.

In October 2011 Prof. Dr. Fahmi joined the Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences

Research interests, editorial roles and lists of publications and patents can be found here.



Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi's group (01-2024). 
From left to right: Carolina Cabezas-Chong, Dr. Viraj Pratap Nirwan, Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi, Dr. Amarjargal Altangerel, Dr. Rebecca Hengsbach, Sweetly Thomas-Kochakkadan.