Berufsfelder und Kompetenzen Nachhaltiger Tourismus B.A.

Die Fokussierung des Studiengangs auf fachliche, internationale, transkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Kompetenzen eröffnet Ihnen nach dem Studium weite Tätigkeitsfelder wie beispielsweise:

  • Hotellerie und Gastronomie
  • Transportdienstleister
  • Reise-, Messe- und Eventveranstalter
  • Behörden, Tourismus- und Naturschutzorganisationen
  • Tourismusplanung und Tourismusconsulting

Matteo Bierschneider

Can you describe how it felt when you made the decision to start your own business?

"We both always dreamed of having our own company where we could support others and protect the environment. When we finally made the decision, it was exciting but also a bit scary as it was new to us and there was a lot to learn. Luckily, we had a lot of support from friends and family, we took part in a six-month social entrepreneurship course to learn the ropes and set up quickly, and we attended the ITB (international tourism expo) in Berlin in March. I like to think that’s the point when we really became entrepreneurs."
