Faculty of Communication and Environment



Gummibärchen für die Sieger

Lisa Balve, Kristina Hülshoff und Janna Wegner freuten sich über ihren ersten Platz im Wettbewerb um das beste Projektergebnis im Fach „Einführung in die Medieninformatik“.

Master students develop an organisational diagnosis for communication practices

 Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Cooperative research project with Norgren GmbH, of the IMI Precision Engineering Group, in nearby Alpen, Germany.

Environment and Energy students visited the coal mining dump Hoheward and the User Center H2 Herten

Well-informed into a degree

Study Orientation Days offer pupils the chance to learn the ins and outs of starting a degree at university, as well as an early opportunity to reflect upon their future career goals.

AOK Gesundheitsreport

Gasthörer SS 2015 an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Mit den Fakten zur regionalen Gesundheits- und Versorgungssituation befasst sich der nächste Vortrag im Studium Generale am 13. Januar 2016 um 18 Uhr auf dem Campus Kamp-Lintfort.


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday - Thursday
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
and by appointment

ACADEMIC ISSUES (Degree Programmes)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
and by appointment
Closed on Fridays
