
6:00 pm

Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Forum Internationale Politik

Human Rights in the Modern World

Volkshochschule der Stadt Kleve

Zum neuen Forum Internationale Politik laden Hochschule Rhein-Waal/Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie, Haus der Begegnung - Beth HaMifgash e.V. und VHS Kleve gemeinsam ein. WissenschaftlerInnen geben eine pointierte Einführung in ein aktuelles (Streit-)Thema. Studierende, Flüchtlinge und alle Klever BürgerInnen sind zu einer moderierten Diskussion (auf Deutsch oder Englisch) eingeladen.

„Human Rights“ are often described as those rights that are inherent to all human beings, meaning everyone is  entitled to them without exception. Yet, the reality of human rights in the modern world is substantially more  complex than this description. Not everyone is entitled to every right, and even where a right exists, it may be  limited or even violated by the government. In addition, the rights of one person may conflict with those of  another. Furthermore, human rights are not always inherently „good“. In short, the concept of human rights does not lend itself to easy descriptions. This presentation, however, will attempt to clarify some of these complexities  by setting out the contemporary idea of human rights: what they are; where they come from; and how they are  protected.

Prof. John Dingfelder-Stone is a Professor of Law with a focus on International and Public Law at the Hochschule Rhein-Waal. He has published numerous articles with respect to international human rights, criminal law and  constitutional law.

Vortrag K111052

Leitung: Prof. Dr. John Henry Dingfelder-Stone

VHS-Haus, Hagsche Poort 22

Mittwoch, 9.11.2016

18.00 - 19.45 Uhr

1 Termin, 2 UStd.
